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MYG Football

18 June 2024 (by Carol Sage (Carol))

Thursday 6th June Our Football Team attended the MYG Football Tournament. They finished 5 out of 35 schools.

Well done to the children who represented the school in the Mini Youth Games Football tournament yesterday, 35 schools took part with our school finishing 5th, which was a fantastic placement especially as we had to have 3 girls on the pitch at all times, and we only took 3 girls with us! Well done to Felicity (year 3 - who had to play against several year 5 and 6 children) as well as Jessica and Neriah. The team played well, but unfortunately lost the first game. They went on to win the next 3 matches, draw the 5th and win the last 3. All the children played extremely well and cohesively as a team. They supported each other, and showed good awareness of each others strengths. Kairo went into every challenge and did not give up, always being in the right space at the right time. Mikel made lots of space and was instrumental in moving the play forwards. Jessica showed real resilience in her playing and despite being knocked down, got straight back up and continued to get stuck into the play. Neraih was strong in defence and made a great team alongside Luca who was fantastic in goal, saving some very difficult shots. Henry may have been one of the smaller players, but he was also one of the quickest making some great runs. Elliott made some great opportunities, showing good vision and strategy. Felicity was the youngest player, but held her own against much bigger, older players. Several children went on to score: Kairo, Mikel, Henry, Felicity and Elliott. Mr Peters said how absolutely incredible they were and how they showed the school values throughout the tournament. Well done to the whole football team, we are very proud of you for the teamanship you showed.