Fir Tree Class Home Learning
Please click on the folders below to access the work set for home learning.
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Lent Challenge | |
Home achievements FT class | |
x Fir Tree Home Learning |
Tuesday 9th February 2021 is Safer Internet Day
Parents please use the links below to access resources for
'Safer Internet Day'
There are a few activities you can choose from - this year the theme is TRUST and learning how to stay safe when you are online. Have fun!
Dear Parents and Children in Fir Tree Class,
Hope everyone had a great weekend - it was so lovely to see the sunshine too! We've made it to the last week of lockdown learning! Well done everyone! We are so excited to see you all soon.....
I have created a folder 'Home Learning FT Class 1.03.21' for this weeks work. (Initially click on 'Fir Tree Home Learning' folder)
Don't forget if your child achieves something new at home, please complete a 'Home Achievement' dinosaur which can be bought into school when we return (see Home Achievements file - T4 2021 - dinosaur picture that links to our new topic).
Just to remind you to send written work by Friday @ 3.30pm to allow me time to give feedback. This week it is going to be Y1 who will receive the written feedback
Year 1 Parents (ONLY) - included in the Topic folder this week is a PE survey that we ask you to complete with your child at home. For every survey that gets completed gives us credits as a school which can be turned into funding to support our PE teaching. The survey takes about 20 mins to complete and all the information you need is contained in the Topic folder (1.03.21) Please read the guidance and supporting letters first - also in the Topic folder for this week - THANK YOU!
Y1 children who will be in school on Monday this week - will complete the survey with me.
We really can't wait to see you all in Fir Tree class from 8th March. Please don't forget,
parents - if you need me at all for anything my email is:
and I will be available between 2.30pm - 3.00pm week days only for any questions or concerns.
Take care everyone and stay safe.
From Mrs Harvey & Miss Weatherstone :-)
Home Learning completed
by children in Fir Tree & Forge Class 2021